Monday, 19 June 2017

Latest commission - but shsh - can't tell you!

Been quietly working - on a hush hush project.

A birthday gift, can't show it just yet....
but will do :)

Soon. Until then, you just get to see the back!
In the mean time - the next two commissions call.

Been busy selecting slates, washing them and removing any loose flakes of stone.

Now, sitting in the sun, they are drying and feel warm and tactile under my hand.

Strangely the old reclaimed slate is far far warmer to the touch compared to the modern cut.

Can't wait to get stuck into the next paintings.

HaPpY MonDaY!!!

Bring it on :) 


  1. About to start a commission. A dead dog. I get a lot of them..... and cats. No charge..... And of course I am not painting the corpse.

  2. I love your work. Such detail and the fact that you use slate just adds to the impression.


Welcome, so glad you dropped in, I would love to hear from you. I read all comments before I publish and if I think a comment would offend anyone, it won't be published.