Friday, 4 August 2017

Friday update

After two weeks of struggling to get to my paints, I have finally managed :)

So, what's on my desk today?

A lot of incomplete work.  
I can't layer too much acrylic on to the slate with out it completely drying and hardening 
otherwise it lifts off the paint below.
I also get bored painting the same creatures so I thought I'd play with something different....
but of course, I return back to my favourite :)


  1. I love Hares. We have Brown Hares around us which the DP often captures on his camera. Plus other photographic friends who capture the Mountain Hares. But I still return to sea birds! Lovely work.

  2. After hares, curlews are a close second with me. Your work makes me smile, after another torrid day!


Welcome, so glad you dropped in, I would love to hear from you. I read all comments before I publish and if I think a comment would offend anyone, it won't be published.