Monday, 17 April 2017

That first step

Progress has been slow but rewarding,

The initial base layer in white always feels exciting,
feels like the first step,
the first note,
the first leap from which there is no turning back...

And feels like flying!

A painting this size can take me 30 - 40 hours,
or more.
 It is important to me that I capture the 'essence' of the animal,
so the owner 'knows' that this painting is of their treasured pets.

This need to get it right can unnerve me somewhat.
However, as the dogs start to to appear, 
start to take form 
it is rather exciting!
Especially when they look right back at me.


  1. It just mesmerizes me...such details!! Beautiful!

  2. I occasionally paint on commission and find it hard. I have a barn owl on the 3rd go. I do agree once the eyes are done it becomes easier?


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