Thursday, 18 May 2017

what's on my desk today?

 A bit of a scamp appeared on my paper today.
A quick moving, bright eyed and certainly bushy tailed red squirrel.

Such a scallywag!
She better be careful -
Raf is behind her.
Still have to complete my little squirrel,
just have to stop her bustling about :)

Two more designs for my cards - Raf the fox and Emma the red squirrel.

A little while ago, I mentioned I was getting involved in an art event,
well, it has been kickstart and things are really happening -
how exciting!


  1. Good on you Kate!! Such lovely work!!! Congratulations on your upcoming art event! Can't wait to see pictures from the day! So proud you are doing so well with your is breathtaking!

  2. Lovely work as usual. Love the cheeky squirrel. Glad TAM is really getting going now. xx


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