Things not to say to a self employed artist or crafts person...
So........ You don't have a job?
Erm, well actually I do - I am a self employed artist
So....... you are not working then?
NOoo! - I am working - I work for myself
It must be
so lovely not having to work and stay at home
I am at home BECAUSE that is where I work
Are you in? I've not much to do, thought I would pop in for a chat
I am in......
I have lots to do..... really.working.really.
Hi, saw you were in the studio, is kettle on? Got some really interesting news to tell you
Feigns smile, grits teeth ...
I love your work, really do - I think my aunt/uncle/husband/brother etc would love it for his/her birthday/anniversary (whatever) - but I could get it cheaper from X - can you give me a better price?
Errrrr No!
I'd love to buy that piece of work but sorry I forget to bring enough cash - do you take cards?
Sorry no I don't
I'd love to buy that piece of work but sorry I forget to bring enough cash
Not to worry, I take can take card payments now
No thanks, I don't think I have enough wall space now
Sorry? then why did you ask in the first place??
Throw the ball, throw the ball, throw the ball! (wag wag and hopeful huff)
Not now Moss, hang a mo' just need to put a layer varnish on this slate
Can I play in the garden now please? (prrr prrr)
Erm - Pepper, please love get off my painting...
Can I sit on your lap? (face pat and nose bump)
Erm Pepper, not now, could you please get off my workbench!
Can you feed me now? (yowl meow meow)
PEPPER! gah - Ok ok you win... let's go in.
All of these plus a few more variations on a theme have been said to me over the last year... The last two 'conversations' courtesy of Moss and Pepper will probably continue...